Inspiring …

Benin is always a challenge because of the language barrier, but great translators and the Holy Spirit makes it always a special time. We had close to 60 participants in Porto Novo for “How to Understand and use the Bible in your life - Narratives”. 

And as you can hear from the testimonies below it was really a time of growth. 

But 2 things stood out for me - a collection organised by them at the end of the week where in total the participants gave approximately a $100 - it made my spirit rejoice because it shows there is change happening in their hearts and minds.

And the willingness of 5 participants (picture below) to start training and catching-up those who missed previous trainings - may the Lord give them insight and wisdom in this process!

In Tanzania I was a student again and the guest of Re-Forma ( They provide the standards that leads to a Certificate of Biblical Training for Ministry which is underwritten by the World Evangelical Alliance. This certificate provides the first-ever global standard for non-formal training. And we at TWT are praying to see how this can help some of our participants in their ministry. 

Personally I am very excited about this as it is a tool that can really make a difference to the more than 90% of pastors who do not have a formal theological education - that means more than 2 million (and growing) evangelical pastors needs help!

I am really excited about the different training groups running in Nigeria on a regular basis now. One of the new groups below

Pray with us:

  • Current training groups in Nigeria (local facilitators)

  • Possible groups in Benin (local facilitators)

  • Upcoming Transformational Development Training in Malawi (May)

  • Possible Zoom trainings in north of Nigeria (May / June)

  • Training with REACH Namibia leaders (June)

  • Nigeria training with denomination and missions group (July)

  • Different translation projects

Some more testimonies …


Transformational Development


From every nation and tribe …